Get into the top Universities using your IB results! Not sure about where to go from here after getting your IB? No worries EiStudy is here to guide you.

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1. What is the IB score requirement to enter a World-Class University?

With a total score of 38 points or above, you can apply to enter a world-renowned university.

 The minimum passing score is 24 points. You cannot get a diploma with a score of less than 24.

2. How can I apply for a prestigious school even before my IB results are released?

Top universities have limited places. Before the IB scores are on the list, you can apply in advance using the school’s pre-examination results.

3. Which countries are the IB courses applicable to?

Many famous universities in Singapore, North America, and Europe are willing to accept IB students. Some universities also provide outstanding IB graduates with incentives to reward credits and encourage admission by skipping levels.

♦ In Singapore, you can use IB scores to apply for top public universities in Singapore.
♦ Almost all universities in the UK accept IB diplomas.
♦ Thousands of universities in the United States and Canada regard IB diplomas as excellent admission qualifications

The only time to learn how to quickly take advantage of the pre-test results to apply for Singapore schools!

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6 World- Renowned Universities in Singapore

National University of Singapore

Singapore Management University

Nanyang Technological University

Singapore Polytechnic

Singapore Management University

Singapore University of Social Sciences

Five Of Singapore's Public Polytechnic

Nanyang Polytechnic

Singapore Polytechnic

Temasek Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Republic Polytechnic

Top Private Universities Of Singapore

Singapore Institute of Management

Kaplan Higher Education

PSB Academy Singapore

Singapore's East Asian Institute of Management

James Cook University Singapore

Curtin University of Singapore

Singapore Management Development Institute

ERC Institute Singapore

If you want to know how to apply to a prestigious school before the IB results are released? Or if you have any questions, Ei Study is here for you !