
What are the problems that most Preschool students face these days?

“My child is constantly receiving bad grades in school”

“My child does not seem to be  interested in studying”

Recently there has been an increase in demand for education in Singapore from Macau, why is that so?

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Did you know that a student’s social and economic characteristics shapes their cognitive and behavioural outcomes? Needless to say, Preschool will be a very impactful time in a student’s life due to the fact that this is the time whereby whatever they are experiencing in life will shape them. Values will be brought upon as well as morals and the way the child looks at life and more often than not by the time the child reaches the University stage, it might be too late.

The Location -It’s probably not going to be very ideal if you were to send the kids to a school on the other side of the city. So unless you have a ride or alternatively are happy for your little ones to catch a school bus, it would be ideal if the Kindergarten that you chose is located near your home or workplace.

Curriculum -It all depends on what kind of programmes parents are leaning more towards. Some parents may prefer their child to go with the more conventional way of the education system (eg: IB Primary Years Programme, Montessori or Reggio Emilia) On the other hand , some parents would rather a more flexible approach to learning and playing. And of course, there are schools that blends a number of different educational philosophies into their personalised curriculum to meet the needs of certain kids that react differently to different education systems.

School philosophy and values- You must also take into account what the school stands for when it comes to the values and philosophy it wants to teach our children. Does it align to the values and philosophy you want your children to learn and will you be involved in the learning process? Values and life skills are important as they are imparted from a young age

Language programme/School Hours -Another aspect that parents can keep in mind is the language that these preschools teach in as well as the school hours. If you’re a working parent, you may need to consider your own convenience when it comes to dropping /picking your little ones

Facilities/Child to teacher ratio -Some preschools may have snazzy classrooms and others offer more in the way of outdoor play space. How many kids per class? The student to teacher ratios varies from preschools to preschools therefore at the end of the day it all depends on the preference of the parents or child, what do they think is best.

Special Needs -your child may have different learning abilities that may require early intervention or even personalised lessons and attention specifically for your child.

Singapore's Education Ranks first in the world

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A Multicultural Society

Singapore is a multi-cultural society where people are respectful of different religions, races, and cultures. There are four official languages ​​in Singapore – English (the predominant language used in schools and the workplace), Chinese, Malay and Tamil.  Such diversity has enabled Singapore to attract international students from many places around the world. International students in Singapore thrive in this environment, experiencing a mix of multi-ethnic cultures while still being able to rely on English as the medium of communication in their daily lives.


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Top Industry Connections

Singapore is an economic powerhouse that is a leading industrial centre for aerospace, precision engineering, information technology, biotechnology pharmaceuticals, creative industry as well as professional services. Singapore’s connectivity and influence in the region, its integration of both eastern and western cultures and its welcoming stance towards foreign investment has made it an important business hub in Asia

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A Safe And Secure Environment.

Singapore is ranked one of the safest country in the world by Economist intelligence unit (EIU). Living abroad alone can raise worries for both international students and their families, therefore Studying in a safe country such as Singapore would definitely place these worries behind.All in all, Singapore has a relatively stable political and social environment. Government agencies and commercial entities alike tend to be efficient and systematic, and the average Singaporean on the street is tech-savvy and well-informed.

Interested in Studying in Singapore? EiStudy is here to help you !

We have 14 years of service experience and provide the most professional and perfect study abroad services, and help you and your children plan the most suitable way to study in Singapore. Whether be it a government school, a private school or an international school, we can meet your needs!

Acceptance offers

QI Sihan AIS Offer Lette scaled 5

Australian International School 

Letter of Acceptance Ye Lu Lin 1的副本 scaled 6

Canadian International School 

Letter of Offer Wang Chong Zhi G8 7

Southeast Asia World Union College 

Letter of Offer 1 8

Stanford American International School

Bobby Hu Offer Letter Dulwich 9

Dulwich International School 

Letter of Offer Ding Ye Xuan Kindergarten 10

Southeast Asia World Union College 

Our professional team is here to guide you though the entire process and provide you with the most comprehensive range of services.

Study Abroad Services? We do not just stop there ...

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Want the best education for your child but worried about their wellbeing? As a parent, it is normal to worry about your child especially if he/she is away from home. 100% of our clients seek frequent updates about their child studying abroad. It is nerve-wracking enough to be apart from your child, ease your worries with our help.

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Singapore allows mothers of students under the age of 16 to apply for accompanying students. His mother/ grandmother/ grandmother can apply for a companion permit to come to Singapore to live legally and take care of the children.

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Training Centre

is our student training centre that offers a wide range of courses from preparatory courses for international school exams to academic and talent-development enrichment programs.

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The first student hostel arrangement service in Singapore, we have a long history in providing our clients the best stay. With over a hundred partner hostels island-wide available one click away, we promise comfort, value and convenience to every client!

Interested in studying abroad in Singapore with us? Fill in the details below to find out more!

All that is left now is a teacher that will guide you along the way throughout your study abroad journey.