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Kindergarten enrollment season is approaching, parents want to expose their children to English from a young age and get in touch with the world ahead of time, so should they choose a bilingual kindergarten or an all-American kindergarten for their children? Taiwan’s bilingual or all-American kindergartens are expensive, is it worth the money? 

Taiwan Bilingual Kindergarten

The biggest problem with bilingual kindergartens is that the teachers vary, and many of them do not speak English well, so how can children learn English? Bilingual kindergartens also provide a limited bilingual environment, mostly by interspersing a few English words and simple conversations in Chinese classes. Better bilingual preschools offer English classes with a foreign teacher and a Chinese teacher to help children learn, but children may rely too much on the help of the Chinese teacher, making English learning much less effective. In addition, the high teacher turnover rate will also affect children’s learning, the familiar teacher may leave, the child must spend time to re-adjust to the environment, and new teachers to re-establish trust, introverted children may not want to go to school.

Taiwan All-American Kindergarten

Kindergartens across the United States also have a high teacher turnover rate, even higher than bilingual kindergartens. Even if a new teacher takes over, the new teacher has not established a trust relationship with the child, and does not understand the child’s learning progress, personality , etc., so Both the child and the new teacher need to take time to adapt again. Another problem with kindergartens across the United States is the textbooks. Since the introduction of American textbooks, the content of learning is Western history and culture. The great celebrities of Western countries ignore the customs and history of our Asians.

The language environment after entering elementary school is very different

Children’s learning ability at the kindergarten stage is very strong, but when they have the least memory, they learn fast but don’t remember deeply. Therefore, the most common situation is that children can speak English in kindergarten, but they can speak English once they enter the country. After I was young, my English ability declined. This is actually caused by the language environment. We all know that learning a language, speaking, listening, and using is the fastest and most practical way. However, after all , Taiwan is dominated by Chinese education, so Taiwan elementary schools cannot provide the same bilingual environment. These bilingual, all-American kindergarten children do the connection.

The very different language environment cannot consolidate the English foundation that the child has just established, and the parents’ money for carefully nurturing the child is also wasted.

The very different language environment cannot consolidate the English foundation that the child has just established, and the parents’ money for carefully nurturing the child is also wasted.

English education for children requires a long-term plan

In Taiwan, there is no shortage of parents who are willing to spend a lot of money to raise their children, especially the middle and high income parents, who understand the importance of improving their children’s competitiveness, and are basically prepared to send their children to bilingual and all-American kindergartens. However, the lack of bilingual environment after going to school, coupled with the numerous social cases and low salaries, make Taiwanese parents worry about their children’s future. How can we give our children a better environment to grow up in? Many parents are looking at Singapore, which is not far away.

With Asia’s top education standards, the only Asian country where English is the official language, a safe and clean environment, and a blend of Eastern and Western cultures, Singapore has become the best country to raise children.

Asia’s top education level, the only Asian country with English as its official language, is safe and clean, and integrates Eastern and Western cultures. Singapore has become the most suitable country for raising children.

Kindergarten in Singapore

There are three types of kindergartens in Singapore: public, private, and international kindergartens. Most of the public kindergartens are in the neighborhood like Taiwan’s, and the tuition fee is about SGD 700-1000 per month. Local Singaporeans and PR children have priority and need to apply a year in advance, because there are few places for foreign children and it is more difficult to apply. Private kindergartens use the same teaching materials as public kindergartens, teaching is guaranteed, tuition fee is about S$1000-2000 per month, and the hardware facilities of private kindergartens are better than those of public kindergartens, many parents prefer to choose private kindergartens, and places are also very sought-after! International kindergartens do not teach bilingualism, only English, which is more suitable for children who plan to study in international primary and secondary schools in the future, and the school fee is also higher. 

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Singapore’s leading early childhood education group, with 26 schools across the island, has a team of teachers who have received professional training in pre-school education and child psychology. The school adopts the Montessori method and a bilingual environment to ensure that children can learn happily in both Chinese and English.

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Eton House International Kindergarten

Eton House International Education Group is a large international education group, its kindergartens provide children with a superior learning environment and teachers, bilingual education, will adjust the teaching style according to the learning progress of different children, according to the needs of each child to encourage active Participation and thinking.

Taiwan Bilingual Kindergarten V.S Singapore Bilingual Kindergarten

Taiwan’s bilingual, all-American kindergartens have seen their tuition fees soar year after year, and their prices have become almost identical to those of Singapore’s kindergartens, but their teaching standards and advancement are far lower than those of Singapore’s kindergartens. There are many benefits of attending kindergarten in Singapore, besides ensuring that your child grows up in a pure bilingual environment, you will also have a great advantage in enrolling in Singapore public elementary school, knowing that Singapore public elementary school are the ones that everyone is trying to get into!

Singapore has very strict control on education, especially on the teaching environment of the younger age groups, teachers’ classroom conditions, etc. There is a special department that conducts random inspections from time to time to ensure that every child is learning in a safe environment, so it is a very reassuring decision for parents to send their children to kindergarten in Singapore.

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Do you want to know more about the requirements for kindergarten admission in Singapore? Do you want to know how to choose the right kindergarten for your child? Come and see our professional consultants at Eternal Education now!

Singapore Study Abroad Services Specialist

With 15 years of experience in providing professional study abroad services in Singapore, Intensify has assisted nearly 10,000 students from Mainland China, Macau, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia to study in Singapore. Unlike other study abroad agencies, Eternal Study is located in the heart of Singapore’s financial district, collecting first-hand information on education in Singapore and working with private schools and universities in Singapore for many years to provide our clients with the most accurate advice on how to apply for study in Singapore and to plan the most complete study abroad program. Each of our consultants has many years of experience in the Singapore education sector and is well versed in the policies and dynamics of Singapore schools, and can answer questions about life in Singapore in addition to study abroad. In addition, Eternal’s International Student Training Center is the most comprehensive one-stop service provider in Singapore.