Study Abroad in Singapore - Singapore Polytechnic

With the right method, you will be one step closer to a world famous school!

Singapore local study abroad brandFifteen years of working experience allows you to avoid the pitfalls of studying abroad!

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Singapore Temasek Polytechnic

Founded in 1990, Temasek Polytechnic is directly under the Ministry of Education of Singapore. It is one of the most extensive comprehensive colleges in Singapore. The college diploma is recognized by most prestigious universities in the world.

Republic Polytechnic Singapore

Republic Polytechnic of Singapore is the latest polytechnic established by the Singapore government in 2002. Republic Institute of Technology has adopted a textbook-free, computer-based teaching method, and allows students to work closely with the company

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic is a national institution of higher learning, established in 1963, it is a world-class comprehensive government college. With its strong faculty and rigorous school spirit, it attracts countless students.

Singapore's Nanyang Polytechnic

Nanyang Technological Institute of Singapore is a public institution of higher learning directly under the Ministry of Education of Singapore. The college was established in 1992 and is recognized by the Ministry of Education of China as a world-class comprehensive college.

Singapore Polytechnic

Founded in 1954, Singapore Polytechnic is the first public government polytechnic in Singapore. The school has always been highly praised by the education community for its rigorous style of study. It is recognized as a world-class comprehensive college.

5 top Polytechnics

More than 700 majors can be selected from 24 faculties

   • School of Architecture and Environment
• Business School
    • School of Chemistry and Life Sciences
    • School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • IT Academy
    • School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
• Design school

• Maritime Academy

• School of Mathematics and Science

• Adult Continuing Education College 

• School of Media, Art and Design

• College of Engineering    

• School of Information Technology

• School of Health Sciences

• School of Business Management

• School of Chemistry and Life Sciences

• accountancy

• Department of New Media

• Department of Logistics Engineering and Management

• Ocean Craft

• Civil and environmental engineering

• Building Service Engineering

• biomedical engineering

• Department of Applied Science

Singapore's five major polytechnic schools are hot applications! ! ​

Although it is difficult to enroll in a prestigious school, the pass rate of applying for a prestigious school through Yiteng is as high as 90%! What are you waiting for?

Success Stories

Now you only need a caring teacher for studying abroad

Too many questions about prestigious schools? Don't know how to prepare? ​

Yiteng Study Abroad is a well-known educational institution in Singapore. It has 14 years of application experience in prestigious schools, and the offer rate is as high as 90%! If you have any questions, please consult us! We will listen to your plan to help you successfully enroll in a world-renowned school! ​