Reliable Study Abroad Agency in Singapore

Reliable Study Abroad Agency in Singapore

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With the increase in the number of applicants for studying in Singapore, the competition for studying in Singapore has become increasingly fierce. In order to go to study in Singapore more smoothly, many people have read a lot of information about studying in Singapore in advance, so how to choose the right study abroad agency in Singapore? 

The advantage of the Singapore study abroad agency is that they can help you get started easily if you don’t fully understand the application process. The biggest disadvantage is that it is expensive. What does studying abroad do for you generally include: introducing schools, arranging written tests and interviews at language schools, guiding you to prepare various materials for applying for residence, translating your residence application materials, and guiding you in preparing materials for applying for a visa.

Generally, after the language school enrolls successfully, the intermediary will apply for a Singapore visa for you. The intermediary fee will be charged before the visa application. After the visa is approved, the intermediary fee will also be charged before applying for the visa to the consulate. In order to allow students who are planning to study abroad to find reliable and capable institutions, we specially compiled the information of several institutions in Singapore for you. Students in need come and take a look!

So what is the difference between studying abroad and studying locally? Studying abroad means studying in a foreign country, while studying locally means studying in your home country. Studying abroad offers exposure to new cultures and perspectives, while studying locally provides greater convenience and familiarity. The choice between the two depends on personal preferences, academic goals, and financial circumstances.




EiStudy Group is a study agency and reliable international students consultancy in Singapore. EiStudy Group was established in 2007, and the company is headquartered in Singapore, a beautiful country known as the “Garden City”. EiStudy Education is a senior overseas study institution that has been certified by the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy. At present, it has developed into the largest, most professional and cross-regional professional service consulting industry organization in Singapore. In terms of price, the service fee for study abroad Singapore in EiStudy ranges from RMB 10,000 to RMB 50,000. 

EiStudy provides overseas education Singapore, and also has cooperative branches and offices covering China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Asia, Europe, New Zealand and other European, American and Asia-Pacific regions, and even extends to every corner of the world. Compared with other Chinese study abroad sg companies, if you want to apply for studying in Singapore, the chances of success in applying to a education agent singapore are much higher, because they know more about the application documents required by the local government. 


Education International Cooperation Group(EIC)

EIC is an international educational institution engaged in independent study abroad planning and overseas training in China. It is also an early enterprise in China that focuses on all-round international overseas education. With strong international educational resources, nearly 60 branch schools have been opened in 35 cities. There are also companies set up in Hong Kong, China. The scope of service includes the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Asia and other countries and regions. 

The service quotation for studying abroad in EIC is 40,000 to 70,000 RMB, and the application fee for the top 30 in the United States is 65,000 RMB. If the application is unsuccessful, half of the fee will be refunded. EIC started out as a language training company, but its headquarter was in Guangzhou, and later it set up a branch in Beijing, which belongs to the second batch of intermediary qualifications. From the perspective of the distribution of students, Europe has the largest number of students, and there are also distributions in Asia such as Singapore. This study abroad institution has more advantages in applying for European schools.


Oxbridge Education Group

Oxbridge was established in 1996. Since its establishment in 1996, this institution has established overseas sub-centers in 5 countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Japan, as well as more than a dozen domestic branches. It has more than 1,000 high-quality college resources in more than 20 countries around the world, forming a strong network coverage and service system. Their business and overseas courses cover the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other European and Asian countries.

The fees charged by Oxbridge education consultant group are at the middle level. As an example, taking studying in the UK, you only need 10,000 RMB to start, and G5 is only around 20,000 RMB. Oxbridge is almost the first batch of groups to obtain intermediary qualifications. Its business includes study overseas singapore, language and immigration, and can assist students in the whole process of studying abroad or immigration. Since it is a commonwealth country to study abroad, the success rate of applications from the UK and Hong Kong is still relatively high.


Wiseway Education Group

Wiseway Education Group was established in 1998 and has been committed to international higher education for more than 20 years. It has established 14 branches across the country and several overseas offices. It has established long-term good cooperative relations with institutions in many countries and regions such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, Europe and Asia. 

As for the price, if you study overseas in the UK, the price is between 10,000 and 30,000, and you can apply to about 7 schools, which is a medium fee standard. Wiseway started as a study abroad program in the UK as an apply overseas university. It also has an unshakable position in the British study circle. It also represents almost all schools in the UK. Each student is equipped with 3 teachers. In addition to consultant teachers and visa teachers, there are also expert group application teachers. Especially suitable for students planning to go to the UK.


ACG Education Group

ACG Education Group was established in 2006. ACG Education Group is an international standard art education exchange center co-founded by a number of senior art education experts around the world. Since its establishment, its business has included the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Asia, Europe and other countries and regions. At present, ACG’s art major has expanded to more than 60 subdivided fields such as fine arts, music, architecture, design, film and television. 

ACG international art study abroad is charged according to the major and project, and the overall price is between 100,000 and 150,000 RMB, which is a mid-to-high-end level in the industry. The teachers of ACG International Art Study Abroad Center have a strong sense of service and are very patient and meticulous. The address of their home is also easy to find, and the transportation is convenient. But what I want to remind you is that everyone must pay attention to the stability of the consultant teacher, because frequent teacher changes in the middle will bring a series of adverse effects.


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